Mold Knowledge Base

I found mold in my toilet. Now what?

Mold spores in a toilet typically indicate a larger problem within a home. The tank lid itself is heavy, but it's not hermetically sealed, which means that it doesn't allow for much air exchange.

As mold grows, it reproduces by releasing microscopic spores into the surrounding area. Such little airflow means that the growth could be from an incredibly lucky spore that made its way into the home and stumbled upon the toilet. However, it’s much more likely that there’s a colony in the home that’s releasing spores into that indoor space. This high number of spores means that they opportunistically maximize in wet areas that are difficult to access, like your toilet tank. 

If you find mold in the toilet, grab a flashlight and carefully go through every nook and cranny in the home.

Mold hotspots include:
  • Basement 
  • Attic
  • Window and door frames
  • Crawlspaces
  • Appliances 
  • Underneath the sinks 
  • Bathroom
  • Kitchen 

If you don’t see anything obvious, that doesn’t always mean that there’s not a problem. You could have a hidden leak somewhere, like in the walls or flooring, that’s allowing mold to grow. If you suspect a problem or are having chronic symptoms, it’s best to hire a qualified mold inspector. At the end of the day, you want to make sure that you and your family aren't living in a toxic environment that can trigger a long list of adverse health reactions and related conditions.

This individual will spend hours going through the home and utilizing a variety of testing methodologies to determine what’s going on inside of the home and if there’s a contamination problem. Keep in mind that the more thorough they are, the better. 

Data you should expect to see includes
  • Types of molds present
  • Quantities of each mold species
  • Potential spore presence in the HVAC system 
  • Presence of mycotoxins 
  • Presence of bacteria

From there, you’ll have a clear picture of whether there’s an issue and what steps need to be taken to solve the problem if it exists.

If you have any questions or concerns, contact an expert to get their advice. 

For more information on mold inspectors, check out this blog post:

For more information on the toilet tank tip, check out this article:

Michael Rubino
Ask Michael

Michael Rubino is your mold and indoor air quality expert.

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