Michael and Gwyneth chat about what led Michael into the remediation realm. He started out working for his father as a project manager, learning the ins and outs of mold, ...
Michael discusses how he got into the remediation realm and why he decided to spearhead a company to help those living in homes that are making them feel ill. As ...
Michael discusses how he got into the industry and why he takes mold remediation so seriously. After watching family after family remain sick after water damage, he realized that something ...
Michael discusses what mold is and why it's harmful when it's in our homes. The idea that "mold is ubiquitous" and therefore is just a thing that happens in homes, ...
In this episode of The Empowering Neurologist, Michael talks about all things mold and indoor air quality. During the episode, Michael shares his expert knowledge on topics such as promoting ...
Michael and Dr. Damaris go through the symptoms he’s seen while helping clients remediate their homes and how much it’s impacted their lives. They discuss the issues of misinformation and ...