Wearing shoes inside can impact the health of your indoor environment and air quality in a not-so-great way. Here's what you need to know.Like whether pineapple belongs on pizza and ...
Mold in shower caulking is something most of us have dealt with. Here's how to remove it properly so it doesn't come right back and negatively impact your indoor air ...
Not keeping up with cleaning a washing machine can lead to microbial growth, unwanted exposures, and contaminated clothing.Like many of us, I’ve washed a lot of laundry over the years. ...
A leaking AC doesn't just affect its performance. It can also lead to indoor air quality issues like microbial growth.I lived in Houston, Texas for about 12 years in the ...
Regular vacuuming is one of the best ways we can work to maintain a clean indoor environment with air quality that supports wellness.Whether you know it or not, every surface ...
Mold growing underneath the laminate flooring is a common problem in homes worldwide. Knowing how to properly handle the situation and what signs to look for will help keep your ...