The air quality in our homes plays a massive role in our ongoing wellness. The Musser family shares how mold exposure in their home upended their lives and lead to ...
With modern building technology and new inventions occurring every day, there is a surplus of indoor air contaminants in our homes.The average person breathes over 2,000 gallons of air daily—almost ...
Indoor air quality is often not included when thinking about health and wellness. Yet, it's the most significant route of exposure we face.We live in an era of health fads. ...
Dust mites are a no-no for our indoor air quality and home health. Here's why and how to get rid of them in your home.There are some times in life ...
We spend about a third of our lives nestled up against pillows. Here's how to ensure we're not sleeping on top of microbial growth every night. Considering that we spend about ...
As mildew is just a type of mold, it should be dealt with in the exact same way to promote healthy indoor air quality. Here's how to tackle it. Mildew and ...