While candles can add all sorts of scents to our indoor air, they can also add unwanted contaminants and create harmful situations. Here are ways to choose the best candles ...
Air is one of the greatest routes of exposure we face. As we spend 90% of our time indoors, the health of these environments matters.If you’re wondering how to improve ...
With so many mold testing kits out there, knowing which type will work and invest in can be confusing. Here's what you should know.“Home environments are a big part of ...
That layer of dust can contain all sorts of contaminants like mold spores, mycotoxins, bacteria, and dust mites. Here are some effective ways to help reduce the amount of dust ...
Mold can throw a catastrophic wrench in the home buying an selling process. Here are steps you can take to avoid this nightmare situation and guidance on what to do ...
Mold exposure can cause a long list of adverse health reactions to those exposed. The tricky thing is that no two people respond to exposure the same way. Here are ...