How to reduce humidity in your kitchen this festive season with our 10 expert tips

Michael Rubino

November 26

Don't let humidity ruin your holiday season by allowing mold to take hold in your kitchen. Here's how to stay safe and healthy this year.

Kitchens can be hot, steamy spaces at the best of times, but during the festive season, when become a hive of cooking and people, the humidity in this room can go through the roof.

Pans of gravy, pots of veg bubbling away and great hunks of meat sizzling in the oven all create heat, moisture and steam. And it doesn't stop there. The kitchen often becomes a sociable hub at this time of year, where everyone wants to congregate, chat and generally hang out – and all those bodies in one place will get those humidity levels rising even more.

With all of this in mind, we asked the experts how to reduce your home's humidity, specifically focusing on the kitchen – not just during the festive season, but once life returns to normal too.

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Michael Rubino
Ask Michael

Michael Rubino is your mold and indoor air quality expert.

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