How to Reduce Mold and Prevent It from Coming Back in Your Home

Michael Rubino

August 22

Indoor mold growth can drastically impact our indoor air quality. Here's how to ensure you're not breathing in toxins at home.

Summertime is rampant with moisture, from humidity outdoors to air conditioning indoors, which is mold’s optimal condition and environment in which to grow and spread. While warmer seasons signify a higher prevalence of mold, now is a great time to start implementing ways to reduce mold in your home and ultimately prevent it for good.

When I first discovered that September was Mold Awareness Month, I figured it’d be best to reach out to an expert and get some helpful tips. Michael Rubino, mold and air quality expert and founder of HomeCleanse, shared his insight on how to reduce mold growth to keep your home a clean, safe, and healthy sanctuary all year long.

The Effects of Mold

According to Rubino, most people often fail to consider the impact that mold can have on our health and well-being. Mold, which is a type of fungus found in all parts of the world, reproduces by creating and releasing microscopic spores into the surrounding area. These tiny spores, he says, will ride the air current aimlessly and land on whatever surface they bump into.

“The average individual breathes in 20,000 breaths a day and spends around 90 percent of their time indoors,” says Rubino. “Every time you’re in that indoor environment, you’re breathing air and touching surfaces. If there are high levels of toxins in the home, more and more contaminants are entering the body, which can cause an array of health problems including trouble breathing and a compromised immune system.”

Read the full article here:

Michael Rubino
Ask Michael

Michael Rubino is your mold and indoor air quality expert.

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