5 Not-So-Obvious Home Appliances You Should Clean — And What Happens If You Don’t

Michael Rubino

February 14

Appliances can be one of the top places for microbial growth. Here are the ones you should make sure to keep on your cleaning list.

While it’s easy to remember to clean areas of our home that are visibly dirty (like floors and kitchen counters), there’s one part that is often forgotten: appliances. And if they’re not properly cleaned, this can negatively impact their performance — and even pose risks for your safety and health.

“Dirty appliances become breeding grounds for harmful things like mold and bacteria,” said Michael Rubino, a mold and air quality expert and founder of HomeCleanse. “Once these start growing, not only will they contaminate the machine, but they will also wreak havoc on the air you breathe. … Not to mention, keeping up with cleaning the machine extends its lifetime and helps avoid malfunctions.”

We talked to experts about the not-so-obvious appliances that should be cleaned in your home, how often, and why it’s key to keep these on your radar.

Read More Here: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/home-appliances-to-clean_l_67a0fb32e4b0c03433b14589

Michael Rubino
Ask Michael

Michael Rubino is your mold and indoor air quality expert.

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